As a part of the full spectrum of laboratory services, Trans Asia Industrial Laboratories provides a comprehensive list of coating tests to the Oil and Gas industry. Trans Asia Industrial Laboratories has the latest equipment to test various types of coating to meet either standard international test methods or client specifications. Various tests conducted on coatings by Trans Asia Industrial Laboratories are listed below
Impact Strength
- Fixed weight having specified diameter impact surface is dropped vertically from varying heights to produce impact energy over the required ranges.
- Test can also be done at elevated temperatures.
- Test methods/standards used: DIN 30678/30670/ASTM G14
Peel Off Adhesion Strength
- Coating shall be peeled off at right angles to the pipe surface at specified rate and temperature.
- Elevated Temperature Testing
- Test methods/standards used: DIN 30670
Holiday Detection
- Electrical contact being made through the pipeline coating because of a holiday or a low resistance path created by metal particles, or thin spots in the coating and an electrical contact will activate an alarm indicating the holiday
- Test methods/standards used: ASTM G62, EN 12068
Porosity Testing
- Optical / Stereo Microscopy to characterize porosity
- Magnification from 1x to 1000x
- Digital Imaging
Cathodic Disbondment
- An intentional holiday is made in the coating surface, electrical potential is applied in a highly conductive alkaline electrolyte
- Test vessel, anode, reference electrode, multimeter
- Full test ring and preferred size of 200 x 200mm
- Temperature up to 200° C
- Test methods/standards used: ASTM G95/G42.
Pull Off Adhesion Strength
- A loading fixture (dolly to stud) along with testing apparatus is attached perpendicular the coating surface with an adhesive and tension applied normal to surface and the load is monitored
- No limitation in selecting sample size
- Test methods/standards used: ASTM D4541
Penetration Resistance
- Dead weight cause penetration to a coating system and is measured by micrometer.
- Small samples are extracted for testing
- Test temperature ranges RT to 150° C
Elevated Temperature Testing and Conditioning
- Temperature range up to 250° C
- Size of the coupon 400 x 400mm
- Thermal Aging
Coating Thickness Verification
- Ferrous & Nonferrous Material
- Accuracy +/- 1 %
- Test methods/standards used: ASTM D1000
Additional Test
- Dry Film Thickness
- Hot Immersion Test
- Hot Water Resistance
- Electrical Insulation Resistance/Coating Resistivity